Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last Day In Key West

We have begun the journey of a lifetime. Our bags are packed and we are ready to go...
To take you back to the source of this trip: Almost a year ago, as a couple, we decided that we needed a change for a bit. We love Key West, but there is a lot more to see in the world. We are young and not tied down to anything here, so we want to take advantage of that while we can. We knew we wanted to move, but it was quite a process to pick a place. Basically it came down to three important points. 
1) A country with English as the main language
2) A safe place so our parents wouldn't have heart attacks
3) Somewhere that we would enjoy more than Key West ( After all, we don't want to go somewhere thinking Key West is better)
With these three requirements in mind, it really narrowed down our list of options. We planned, researched, and saved for 9 months... Now here we are!!!
This is our last night in Key West. We are headed to north Florida to stay with Jill's parents for two weeks, where Dave's mom will come visit us from Atlanta for a week. Then it's off to Texas to see Dave's dad and step-mom for two weeks. After a month of visiting family, we will be off to the Southern Hemisphere. Check back with us here frequently to read our story. We will keep this blog as up to date as possible. 

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