Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Serious Rock Fishing Day 2

On the second day of rock fishing with Marty we went out from the afternoon until sundown. We took the boat north about 3 miles to Black Rocks. It was a wet ride out with the strong wind, but the sun was shining bright so it was still warm. We found a nice flat rock to fish from, that was quite small, being only about 15 feet wide by 50 feet long.
Jill won the award today for most fish caught! She was still hoping for a kingfish on the live bait she quickly caught at the start of the session, but had more luck with the snappers. She got a really nice 15 pound snapper that was a hoot to catch on 20 pound braid on a Shimano telescopic rod. She also caught a 10 pound snapper, and a tiny little snapper. We released the 15 pound female and kept the 10 pound male. Dave ended the day with a count of ZERO, but he enjoyed himself being out in the ocean gaining experience and watching Jill catch fish. Even though Marty was a bit disappointed with the low number of fish caught, he was happy to get some great footage on the video camera today. We ended the day fishing with a gorgeous sunset over the mountains. Fantastic Day!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like y'all are having a blast! Enjoy New Zealand and one another! Keep the updates coming, I love checking in on all the fun little things y'all do!

    Love & Hugs!

